Birding Tour

North Sulawesi

North Sulawesi Birding Tour presents birdwatching enthusiasts with a chance to delve into two of Indonesia’s most diverse ecological regions. This excursion invites you to the picturesque islands of North Sulawesi and Halmahera, where you can observe a wide array of bird species thriving in their natural habitats.

Our Tour Pricing

Our tour pricing combines quality experiences with competitive rates, giving you the best of both worlds

Small Group

$ US /Person
  • Minimal 2 Person

Large Group

$ US /Person
  • Maximal 10 Persons

Our Tour Timeline

Explore our thoughtfully crafted tour timelines, where every day is a perfectly balanced blend of exploration, relaxation, and adventure!

Green – Backed Kingfisher - North Sulawesi Birds Tour

Green – Backed Kingfisher

Dwarf Kingfisher

Dwarf Kingfisher

Great Billed Kingfisher North Sulawesi Birds Tour

Great Billed Kingfisher

Sulawesi Pitta - North Sulawesi Birds Tour

Sulawesi Pitta

We commenced our journey in Manado by convening at Sam Ratulangi International Airport, situated on the outskirts of the city. Manado serves as the principal city of North Sulawesi province, nestled along the Bay of Manado and enveloped by majestic mountains. Our next destination is the Tangkoko Nature Reserve. In the afternoon, we'll engage in bird watching activities within the park, providing us with an opportunity to encounter the Spectral Tarsier, one of the tiniest primates on the planet, along with the Celebes Crested Macaque.

We have two full days birding in the Tangkoko Nature Reserve.

Tangkoko Batuangus Nature Reserve also known as Tangkoko-Batuangus Dua Saudara covers an area of 8,700 hectares and includes three mountains: Mount Tangkoko (1,109 meters), Mount Dua Saudara (1,361 meters) and Mount Batuangus (450 meters). It is a reserve with easy access and is a great introduction to Sulawesi’s birds. The reserve protects at least 127 mammal, 233 bird and 104 reptile and amphibian species. Of these 79 mammal, 103 bird and 29 reptile and amphibian species are endemic to the island..We will search for target species like Green-backed Kingfisher, Sulawesi Lilac Kingfisher, Ruddy Kingfisher, Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher, Sulawesi Pitta, Spot-tailed Goshawk, Blue-backed Parrot, Philippine Megapode, Stephan’s Dove, Sulawesi Pitta, Ashy Woodpecker, Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker, Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail, Golden-mantled Racquet-tail, Finch-billed Myna, White-necked Myna, Purple-winged Roller, Minahassa Masked Owl, Ochre-bellied Boobook, Stephan’s Dove, Red-backed Thrush, and Grey-sided and Yellow-sided Flowerpecker.

The following morning, we embark on an early visit to Temboan Hill, where we'll engage in birdwatching. Here, we anticipate sightings of remarkable species such as the Green Imperial Pigeon, Silver-tipped Imperial Pigeon, Sulawesi Hanging Parrot, Sulawesi Dwarf Hornbill, Black-naped Oriole, White-necked Myna, White-bellied Imperial Pigeon, Grey-headed Imperial Pigeon, Barred Rail, Sulawesi Thriller, Brahminy Kite, and more. Upon returning to the lodge, we'll take some time to rest.


Later in the day, we'll set out on an outrigger canoe expedition through the mangrove forest. This adventure promises encounters with the magnificent Great-billed Kingfisher, White-rumped Cuckooshrike, Great-billed Heron, various frigatebirds, Pied Imperial Pigeon, Blue Rock Thrush, and an assortment of terns.

In the morning, our exploration of Temboan Hill continues as we seek out any species we may have missed on Day 2 and Day 3.


Following lunch, we'll prepare for check-out and pack up, then embark on a scenic drive to Manado (approximately 2 hours). Along the way, we'll continue our birdwatching endeavors. Our journey concludes upon reaching our accommodation in Tomohon.

At the break of dawn, after a hearty breakfast, we'll engage in birdwatching at the Mount Mahawu Protected Forest. This 1,324-meter-high forested volcano boasts an emerald-green lake and vibrant yellow sulfur deposits. It has earned recognition as one of the Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) in Asia designated by Birdlife International. Anticipate sightings of the Scaly-breasted Kingfisher, Crimson-crowned Flowerpecker, Sulphur-bellied Whistler, Citrine Canary Flycatcher, Turquoise Warbling Flycatcher, Sulawesi Blue Flycatcher, Sulawesi Cuckoo Dove, Buff-banded Rail, and Sulawesi Pitta.


Post-birding at Mahawu, we'll enjoy lunch at Gardenia Restaurant while continuing our birdwatching escapade. Here, we'll have the chance to observe the Sulawesi Myzomela, Sooty-headed Bulbul, Collared Kingfisher, Black-faced Munia, Scaly-breasted Munia, Yellow-sided Flowerpecker, and more.

In the early morning, after breakfast, we will check out and proceed with birdwatching at Linow Lake. Our goal is to observe the Oriental Darter, Purple Heron, Wandering Whistling Duck, White-browed Crake, White-breasted Water Hen, Purple Swamphen, and Common Moorhen.

Following lunch, we will continue our journey to Kotamobagu, which is approximately a four-hour drive. Before reaching Kotamobagu, we'll make a stop to seek out the Sulawesi Masked Owl. Afterward, we will continue on to Kotamobagu, where we will check in at our hotel.

Early in the morning, we will embark on a two-hour drive to Tambun. Upon arrival, we'll prepare for birding at the Maleo Sanctuary to catch sight of the Maleo, Sulawesi Serpent Eagle, Black Eagle, Sulawesi Pygmy Hanging Parrot, Ashy Woodpecker, Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker, and Common Kingfisher. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at the Maleo Sanctuary.

After lunch, we will return to Kotamobagu, still keeping an eye out for birds along the way. We will spend the night at a hotel in Kotamobagu.

After breakfast, we will check out and drive back to Manado, continuing our birdwatching along the route. Upon arrival in Manado, we will stay overnight at a hotel.

Early in the morning, after breakfast, we will check out and be transferred to Sam Ratulangi International Airport for your onward flight to your next destination.