Birding Tour

West Papua

West Papua offers a rare chance to witness some of the world's most stunning and elusive bird species, including MacGregor’s Bird-of-Paradise, Snow Mountain Quail, Mountain Firetail, and others. Notable additions are Pale-billed Sicklebill, Twelve-wired, Lesser, and King Birds-of-Paradise.

Arfak Mountains

Explore the Arfak Mountains in West Papua, widely considered as the foremost birding destination. This region boasts a rich diversity of avian life, including several unique species found nowhere else. Among its notable residents are the captivating Western Parotia, the charming Vogelkop Bowerbird, the resplendent Arfak Astrapia, the striking Buff-tailed Sicklebill, the awe-inspiring Magnificent Bird-of-Paradise, and the enchanting Long-tailed Paradigalla.

Conclude your adventure in grandeur on Waigeo, part of the Raja Ampat Island group, where you’ll have the chance to encounter Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise, the vibrant Red Bird-of-Paradise, and with luck, witness the impressive Western Crowned Pigeon.

Our Tour Pricing

Our tour pricing combines quality experiences with competitive rates, giving you the best of both worlds

Small Group

$ US /Person
  • Minimal 2 Person

Large Group

$ US /Person
  • Maximal 10 Persons

Our Tour Destintions

Crafted for the intrepid explorer, our tour destinations promise a symphony of sights and sounds that will leave you spellbound!

Our Tour Timeline

Explore our thoughtfully crafted tour timelines, where every day is a perfectly balanced blend of exploration, relaxation, and adventure!

Magnificent Bird Of Paradise

Magnificent Bird Of Paradise

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 20.49.04

Red – Bird Of Paradise

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 20.49.45

Western Parotia

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-05 at 20.49.12

Wilson’s Bird Of Paradise

Upon arriving in Jayapura, the capital city of West Papua, we'll embark on an exploration of the captivating lowland rainforest. Our journey begins at Sentani Airport, followed by a scenic two-hour drive to Nimbokrang. En route, we'll have the delightful opportunity for birdwatching. Upon reaching Nimbokrang, we'll settle into our homestay, providing basic yet comfortable accommodation. In the afternoon, following a satisfying lunch, we'll set out on a birding expedition around Nimbokrang.

Over the next two days, we'll have the privilege of seeking out an array of remarkable avian species, including the resplendent Bird-of-Paradise, the distinctive Pale-billed Sicklebill, the exquisite Twelve-wired, and the regal King Birds-of-Paradise. Our birdwatching endeavors will also introduce us to Salvadori’s Fig-Parrot, the magnificent Riflebirds, the intriguing Twelve Weird BOP, the vibrant Yellow-billed Kingfisher, the majestic King BOP

As we approach the final day of our birding adventure in the lush tropical lowland forests, we'll make our way back to Sentani. Along the journey, prior to reaching Sentani, we'll take a break at Sentani Lake to indulge in birdwatching amidst the serene waterside, focusing on waterfowl. Following this birding session, we'll head towards a conveniently located hotel near the airport in Sentani.

Upon our arrival at Rendani Airport in Manokwari, we'll embark on a scenic drive towards the awe-inspiring Arfak Mountains, all the while keeping a keen eye out for avian wonders. Upon reaching Arfak, we'll find accommodation in a local residence, providing basic yet comfortable amenities.

Overnight: Arfak Mountains

In the captivating Arfak Mountains, we have the privilege of three full days dedicated to birdwatching. Our quest will lead us to encounter an extraordinary array of avian wonders, including the Western Parotia, Papuan Sittella, Green-backed Robin, Sulfur-yellow Cape, Pheasant Pigeon, Spotted Jewelbabbler, White-striped Forest Rail, Pesquet’s (New Guinea Vulturine) Parrot, Arfak Catbird, Arfak Honeyeater, Vogelkop Melidectes, Vogelkop Scrubwren, Vogelkop Whistler, Papuan Eagle, Black-mantled Goshawk, Masked Bowerbird, Northern Variable Pitohui, Hooded Pitohui, Red-breasted Pygmy Parrot, White-crowned Cuckoo, Dwarf Koel, Drongo Fantail, Papuan Mountain Pigeon, Black-capped Lory, Papuan Lorikeet, Ivory-billed Coucal, White-bibbed Fruit Dove, Red-collared Myzomela, Papuan Black Myzomela, Rufous-sided Honeyeater, White-shouldered Fairywren, Papuan Parrotfinch, Regent Whistler, Arfak Astrapia, Long-tailed Paradigalla, Lesser Melampitta, Brehm’s Tiger Parrot, Modest Tiger Parrot, Bronze Ground Dove, Crested Berrypecker, Orange-crowned Fairywren, Obscure Berrypecker, Rufous-naped Bellbird, Wattled Brushturkey, Fan-tailed Berrypecker, Tit Berrypecker, Mottled Berryhunter, Papuan Logrunner, Ashy Robin, Smoky Robin, Canary Flyrobin, Sclater’s Whistler, Goldenface, Cinnamon-browed Melidectes, Arfak Honeyeater, Papuan Treecreeper, Papuan Parrotfinch, Mountain Mouse-warbler, Mountain Peltops, Black-breasted Boatbill, Torrent-lark, Papuan Grassbird, Great Woodswallow, Pale-vented Bush-Hen, and Grey Wagtail. Additionally, we'll seek out the Papuan Treecreeper, Blackside Robin, Feline Owlet-nightjar, and Mountain Owlet-nightjar, along with Red-collared Myzomela, Vogelkop Owlet-nightjar, Papuan Boobook, and more.

Overnight: Arfak Mountains

Our final morning in the Arfak Mountains will be spent cherishing the diverse birdlife before returning to Manokwari for a night's rest at the SwissBell Manokwari Hotel.

Overnight: SwissBell Manokwari Hotel

In the morning, we'll embark on a short flight from Manokwari to Sorong. After arriving in Sorong, we'll enjoy a leisurely lunch in the city before boarding a speedy ferry to Waigeo Island, a journey of approximately two hours. Upon arrival, we'll check in at our resort and have some free time to unwind.

Over the course of two full days, we'll explore the vast Waigeo Island in search of an incredible variety of bird species. Among our targets are the Hook-billed Kingfisher, Common Paradise Kingfisher, Western Crowned Pigeon, Pheasant Pigeon, Palm Cockatoo, and Great-billed Parrot, along with the Red Bird-of-Paradise, Wilson’s Bird Of Paradise, Glossy-mantled Manucode, Papuan Pitta, Hooded Pitta, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Papuan Dwarf Kingfisher, Blyth’s Hornbill, New Guinea Friarbird, Southern Variable Pitohui, Raja Ampat Pitohui, Hooded Butcherbird, Marbled Frogmouth, Papuan Frogmouth, Papuan Boobook, Dusky Megapode, Pygmy Eagle, Red-necked Crake, New Guinea Bronzewing, Moustached Treeswift, Brown-headed Crow, Tawny-breasted Honeyeater, Green-backed Honeyeater, Long-billed Honeyeater, Golden Monarch, Spot-winged Monarch, Frilled Monarch, Beautiful Fruit Dove, Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon, and Stephan’s Emerald Dove, among others. We'll conclude our days with a mesmerizing sunset and the grand spectacle of the Great-billed Parrots.

Overnight: Waigeo Resort, Raja Ampat Island

Our final morning on Waigeo is dedicated to birdwatching, allowing us to seek out additional species. In the afternoon, we'll board a fast-ferry back to Sorong, arriving in the late afternoon.

Overnight: Hotel in Sorong

Following breakfast, we'll depart from our hotel and embark on a scenic drive to the eastern outskirts of Sorong. Along the way, we'll have opportunities for birdwatching, potentially encountering the Magnificent Riflebird, the charming King Bird-of-paradise, Blue Back Kingfisher, Papuan Dwarf Kingfisher, and Lesser Bird-of-paradise. We'll then journey along the boardwalk to our remote homestay.

Overnight: Eco Village Malagufuk

A full day is dedicated to birdwatching in Malagufuk, offering ample chances to encounter endemic bird species. Among our prized targets are the Red-breasted Paradise Kingfisher, Red-billed Brushturkey, Cinnamon Ground Dove, Forest Bittern, Red Bird of Paradise, Long-billed Honeyeater, Golden Cuckooshrike, Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Hooded Pitta, Papuan Hawk-Owl, Papuan Spine-tailed Swift, Long-tailed Honey Buzzard, Sooty Thicket Fantail, Moluccan King Parrot, Wompoo Fruit Dove, Papuan Pitta, Coconut Lorikeet, Orange-bellied Fruit Dove, Tawny Straightbill, Blyth’s Hornbill, Golden Cuckooshrike, Frilled Monarch, Ivory-billed Coucal, Pink-spotted Fruit Dove, Large Fig Parrot, Blue-black Kingfisher, Variable Goshawk, Grey-headed Goshawk, Northern Cassowary, Palm Cockatoo, Black Lory, Superb Fruit Dove, Cinnamon Ground Dove, White-eared Catbird, New Guinea Bronzewing, and many more.

Overnight: Eco Village Malagufuk

We'll spend our final morning in Malagufuk continuing our birdwatching quest to seek out any remaining species. In the late morning or early afternoon, we'll journey back to our hotel in Sorong for the last night of the tour.

Overnight: Hotel in Sorong

Check out from the hotel and transfer to Sorong Airport for your onward flight. This marks the conclusion of the tour


Accommodation in West Papua includes simple guesthouses with shared bathroom facilities, no hot water. In the Arfak Mountains, we'll stay in a basic village guesthouse in Mingre and may camp at higher altitudes for one or two nights. At Malagufuk village, accommodation is basic with shared large rooms


Walks and trails are generally short, though some sections may be steep or muddy. Longer walks in the Arfaks and around Malagufuk will be taken at a birding pace with frequent stops.


Weather is unpredictable and varies with the season. It's typically hot and humid in lowlands and foothills, while daytime temperatures at higher altitudes are pleasant, but it can get cold at night or experience rain